Please note that this site contains multiple references to racism.
Some links may also contain racist images, words, or music as examples being discussed in the context of learning about racism in American Folk Music. Please let us know if you believe we should remove any links or other content.
Unfortunately, racism exists in both the past and the present. As folk musicians and listeners and as white Americans who are committed to the goals and values of anti-racism, we were deeply disturbed to recently learn that some of the music we have played --and even enjoyed-- has virulently racist history. Though we initially found ourse
Unfortunately, racism exists in both the past and the present. As folk musicians and listeners and as white Americans who are committed to the goals and values of anti-racism, we were deeply disturbed to recently learn that some of the music we have played --and even enjoyed-- has virulently racist history. Though we initially found ourselves wanting to make excuses --"It was by accident." and "But the racist lyrics have changed."-- we recognize that by our casual playing of that music, as entertainment, we were bringing the racism of the past into the present. That is not OK. We started this website to gather resources as we learn more and as a way to share our learning with others who seek to engage in folk music and anti-racism.
We hope to support healthy and harm-free enjoyment of folk music for all. With your help, we hope to encourage other folk music lovers, particularly those who are non-BIPOC (white) to look back, learn more about the racist history of many popular songs, and move forward in anti-racist ways. Click here to learn more and take the anti-racist folk music pledge.
We do not have any social media accounts and rely entirely on word of mouth to share the message and encourage others to take the pledge. If you'd like to help, please take the pledge and share the link with others.
Facing Folk
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